Youtube Tutorials are Key

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As we wrap up our Kinetic Typography unit, I wanted to share a few resources and discus my experience with Adobe After Effects. This was my first experience with animation (besides animating transitions with Power Point slides ). I had been looking forward to this unit due to my exposure to music videos that utilize kinetic typography. Personally, when it comes to music, I am more of a lyric listener than sound/beat. Being able to identify with a song lyric makes the experience much more personal and emotional. Kinetic typography adds to this listener experience.

I did not anticipate how challenging this unit would be. Thirty seconds of “professional grade” animation, at first, did not seem intimidating. Countless hours later, I am finishing my assignment knowing I am still a beginner. More than any other assignment, YouTube tutorials became my crutch. A 20 minute video could easily take 2 hours. With each video, my skill set grew, and slowly but surely so did my confidence.

Using the camera was the most difficult part of my experience with After Effects. The video above was extremely helpful. Thinking in 3D is not all that hard. However, turning an idea into reality in AfterEffects was difficult. I haven’t thought so much about the third dimension since calculus 3. Using the orbital camera to adjust each axis and key framing each movement was a slow process. I struggled transitioning between movements. Some of the rotations feel jumpy or rushed.  Learning how to properly parent layers was another important aspect in my project. Even when I wasn’t utilizing the camera, I made a lot of layers dependent on each other.

Overall, this unit was probably my favorite. It took the most time, but I truly believe this is a marketable skill. After Effects also build on many of the previous units. Without my experience with Photoshop and audacity, this unit would have been almost impossible.

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