Typography for kids!?!

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In the article by Kidscreen, typography is being used to help teach the young minds that download the app YouTube ids. The app has only been released for about 18 months but already surpassed 10 billion views and 10 million downloads on numerous mobile devices. Most of the video focus on teaching children on various issues and music has been a strong source of learning. Many lyric videos have been released to children to catch their attention with their movement to each word. What is interesting is that this movement of the words allows children to learn differently with this medium. In one example, the word help is shaking when the word is displayed on screen. The shaking help teach children that Help is a word used during a sense of fear. Having motion allows the children to understand how each word is used in context. I know that when I watch a lyric video with stagnant words, I get bored very easily and usually end up exiting the video. The kinetic motion keeps the attention and adds an element of emotion beyond the text. This is similar to coloring words on screen to convey emotion such as happiness, fear or sorrow. What I find love about this app is that all the content is made by peers, not by the owners of YouTube. People in the world are dedicating themselves to teach children beyond the classroom despite not being paid a lot. The most impressive aspect of this is that the creators must ensure their content is simple yet interesting enough for children to follow. There seems to be a lot of psychology involved in kinetic typography that I would love to learn more about. This project has shown me that it takes extreme skill to create a masterpiece that would resonate with an intended audience. I would love to take a semester just using this animation and mastering the craft of teaching in form of kinetic typography. This article is a pretty cool read!


p.s. The gif has nothing to do with the article, I just love puppies.

The article is here

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