Audacity Tutorials

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So I was looking for some audacity and sound editing examples to just kinda familiarize myself with the program and gain a little inspiration. I kinda got into a hole where I kept listening to them and listening to them and they all started to run together! But from what I listened to, I came across some really fantastic interviews of people who are in the sound editing arena or if you just want to here about sound editing from the point of view of a professional. Some of these interviews might be useful if you are struggling with coming up with an idea! Here are my favorite 2



  1. Valerie

    I thought that these two videos were really cool. I know that movies tend to have a lot of sounds overlapping in the editing room but I never thought that just making the movement of the flying fish would take about 50 tracks. That’s kinda cool to learn about. I knew that some movies took real sound that they recorded that has nothing to do with the actual noise of the subject and used it in combination to create something new for their film but was nice to learn that the flying fish noises came from different bugs.

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