Corel PaintShop Pro
Unfortunately, we are unable to get PhotoShop on our personal computers, even through the school software. Pitt does have a free download of a very similar program for Windows called Corel PaintShop Pro. If you are a PC user I … Continued
How to use GIMP (in 20 colorful steps)
Hi everyone! So while we’re in our Photoshop unit, I thought it’d be helpful to post a GIMP tutorial, in case you want to use image editing software in the future but don’t want to pay $19.99/month (or however much … Continued
Here’s the link to my Fair Use Assignment.
Fair Use Defense
Fair Use Defense
Fair Use Defense
Here is my Fair Use Defense:
Dimond Saints Remix
Hey guys! I decided to use a remix by Dimond Saints for my fair use markdown assignment. You can take a look at it here.
Fair Use- Appleton
Hello! Here is the link to my Fair Use repository:
Fair Use Assignment
Here’s the link to the assignment.
Fair Use Assignment
Here is the link to my fair use assignment
Github Fair Use Assignment
Here is my blog post with my final Fair Use assignment: