I have struggled with many aspects when trying to create my website. One of which was the navigation bar. I had used the link that was provided in the assignment description. When I first looked at the helpful tips, I saw stuff written in HTML, got confused, then promptly closed the window and decided I would try another day. When I tried to do the navigation bar again, I resolved myself to actually take the time to go through the process step by step. Doing this made it a little easier, but after I had reloaded my website page to see how my new navigation bar looked I was met with disappointment. The second unordered list that I had on the page was no longer a list, it looked like a mess. After I went through the HTML that I had written I saw that I had two unordered lists, the one for the navigation bar and the one that was messed up. It was then that I remembered that if you have more than one heading, list, paragraph, etc. that you want to style then you have to give the one you are styling an id. This meant that I had to go back to one of the Khan Academy tutorials on CSS to learn how to give my unordered list an id and how to use the id to style it.
I was able to successfully get my navigation bar to look the way I wanted it to but I definitely have more to accomplish before my website is Internet-worthy.
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