I’m a sophomore studying Chemical Engineering at the Swanson School of Engineering. I absolutely love learning, working with my hands, and creating things. I enjoy doing art projects and crafts when I have the time. The same goes for reading, I really enjoy it when I have the time to do it.
My family is a very important part of my life and who I am. I have two younger sisters, Natalie (16) and Kaylee (13), whom I consider some of my best friends. I come from a small town in Ohio called Richwood, where I graduated high school with 116 classmates. Our house sits on a 2 acre lot surrounded by farmland, this year planted with corn. I have a country background, but I am really enjoying my time here in the heart of Pittsburgh.
My interest in digital media comes from my Engineering Analysis class from this past spring. We were asked to create web pages, blogs, posters, and videos to relay information about our projects. As an aspiring engineer I believe that having the tools and skills to make a compelling visual on the internet for a project or product can be important in the beginning stages to attract investors and funding. I would like to continue to build these skills for future use.
And here is a super cute dog 🙂
I’m so excited to own my own dog one day!
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